sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2018

Donations to build a room for spiritual guidance and protection of historical letters

Donations to build a room for spiritual guidance and protection of historical  letters 

Quem é Jucelino Luz
A infância de Jucelino Luz, nascido em Maringá-PR, Brasil , foi bem diferente das outras crianças e bastante conturbada. Desde a mais tenra infância ele já começara a manifestar, de forma ostensiva, as primeiras faculdades paranormais. O primeiro fenômeno manifestado foi quando Jucelino Luz , ainda com oito anos de idade, começou a receber sonhos premonitórios em sua cama em que ele dormia. Seus pais apareceram em seu quarto nesse momento e constataram, muito assustados, o fenômeno das visões .
De família Católica e evangélicos ,,Jucelino Luz desde cedo sofreu a incompreensão de muitas pessoas que conviviam com ele e principalmente dos seus colegas de escola. Desejoso de encontrar respostas para esses fenômenos, o jovem acabou se isolando um pouco do convívio social. Depois em 1979 procurou para saber de Chico Xavier – que o atendeu carinhosamente

Nosso Objetivo Principal :

Who is Jucelino
The childhood of Jucelino Luz, born in Maringá-PR, Brazil, was very different from other children and quite troubled. From the earliest childhood he had begun to manifest, in an ostentatious way, the first paranormal faculties. The first phenomenon manifested was when Jucelino Luz, still eight years old, began to receive premonitory dreams in his bed in which he slept. His parents appeared in his room at that moment and saw, very frightened, the phenomenon of visions. From a Catholic family and evangelicals, Jucelino Luz from an early age suffered the incomprehension of many people who lived with him and especially his school friends. Desiring to find answers to these phenomena, the young man ended up isolating himself a little from the social life. Then in 1979 he sought to learn of Chico Xavier - who attended him affectionately. The emergence of his psychic ability early on allowed him to see and hear spirits as if they were normal people present. Many times Jucelino Luz,

Our main Goal :



Clicar em um dos links acima - click - press on one of the links above to understand better .

terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2018

Recanto Luz -Pousado do Barreiro - 1

Recanto Luz -Pousado do Barreiro  - 1  

Vistie Águas de Lindóia -S.P 

Uma casa de 100 metros mais uma área de utilidade com churrasqueira, e outras benfeitorias . Toda mobiliada .,com estacionamento, e portão automático  no local.  um ambiente familiar , para descanso, turismo e festas, negócios .. Apenas  de cinco a dez minutos do centro da cidade de Águas de Lindoia -  S.P  

A local  pode ser ocupada por até  6 pessoas  - o valor  já incluso .( para 1 a 6 pessoas )  apenas deverá avisar  ao locador a quantidade de pessoas; por exemplo:   criança, casal , solteiros ( adultos )  , para poder arranjar o ambiente . – enviar um e-mail para :   ou via whatsapp:  (19) 99679.33.43    - 

Atenção !  consultar vagas sempre antes de pagar ou  depositar – o local é bastante procurado .

Diária   R$ 180,00   - podendo dividir  no Cartão de crédito 

Podendo também reservar via celular :

Recanto Luz -Pousado do Barreiro - 2

Recanto Luz -Pousado do Barreiro -  2

Vistie Águas de Lindóia -S.P 

Uma casa de 100 metros mais uma área de utilidade com churrasqueira, piscina pequena e outras benfeitorias . Toda mobiliada .,com estacionamento, e portão automático  no local.  um ambiente familiar , para descanso, turismo e festas, negócios .. Apenas  de cinco a dez minutos do centro da cidade de Águas de Lindóia -  S.P  

A local  pode ser ocupada por até  6 pessoas  - o valor  já incluso .( para 1 a 6 pessoas )  apenas deverá avisar  ao locador a quantidade de pessoas; por exemplo:   criança, casal , solteiros ( adultos )  , para poder arranjar o ambiente . – enviar um e-mail para :   ou via whatsapp:  (19) 99679.33.43    - Atenção !  consultar vagas sempre antes de pagar ou  depositar – o local é bastante procurado .

Diária   R$ 200,00   - podendo dividir  no Cartão de crédito

Livro “Um ser fora do tempo“

Livro “Um ser fora do tempo“

Nova Edição – Best-seller no Japão.
“Sinopse do livro: Um ser fora do tempo”

Esse livro conta as experiências de JNL e fala das forças do além, nas faculdades paranormais das premonições que podem evitar tragédias. Há eventos inexplicáveis. Você acredita em fenômenos paranormais? E explica do amor sobre sua Terra e a natureza, no qual, o fez enfrentar discriminações, criticas, sobretudo, a sua luta contra o mal.
E eventos que ainda estão por vir.
Parte do dinheiro arrecadado vai para obras Sociais  e proteção do meio ambiente
Custo R$ 39,00 em até 3 parcelas iguais , para comprar
ou depósitom Bancário à vista : Banco Itaú agência 0080 c.c. 25207-5
( Em caso de depósito bancário enviar cópia do depósito + endereço completo do depositante para :
Mario Ronco Filho – jornalista – ( repórter )
Para comprar  parcelado clicar em um dos links abaixo:

ou comprar via celular :


LIVRO – REVELAÇÕES II – 1ª reimpressão 2007

O maior profeta dos tempos modernos este livro apresenta as verdades do famoso profeta JNL. As predições do Professor Jucelino Nóbrega d Luz, com cerca de 89 mil cartas enviadas, se tornaram cada vez mais impressionantes. São suas predições: Word Trade Center; Tsunami na Ásia; Acidente com o voo 1907 da GOL; Aquecimento global e falta d’água potável no Planeta; Terremoto no Paquistão; Massacre no Campus do Virginia Tech University , Massacre na Noruega, Michael Jackson, Terremoto no Japão em 11/03/2011 e Crise econômica de 2022 e  muitos outros
Esse livro traduz e decifra aqui, com impressionante clareza e lógica, as conhecidas profecias até o ano de 2036.
Um dos maiores profetas vivos do mundo.

         ou pelo link:  

sábado, 21 de julho de 2018

Germany, knife-strike, seriously injures people inside a bus.

Germany, knife-strike, seriously injures people inside a bus.

The man of German nationality and with residence in Lübeck is the person who attacked being able to be a "political radicalization" or personal revolt.
  And the attack was carried out with a 13-centimeter knife.
The aggressor is a man born in Iran but long established in Germany, a country of which he is a citizen. Until then, the individual had never shown any sign of radicalization.

To continue reading this article click on one of the links below:

Alemanha, ataque a faca ,  fere gravemente  pessoas  dentro de um  ônibus .
Deutschland, Messer-Streik, verletzt ernsthaft Menschen in einem Bus.
Germany, knife-strike, seriously injures people inside a bus
L'Allemagne, coup de couteau, blesse gravement les gens dans un bus.
Alemania, ataque al cuchillo, hiere gravemente a las personas dentro de un autobús.
독일, - 파업, 심각하게 사람들이 버스 안에 부상.
La Germania, un colpo di coltello, ferisce gravemente le persone all'interno di un autobus.
Германия, удар ножом, серьезно ранит людей в автобусе.
Tyskland, knivstrejk, skadar allvarligt människor i en buss.
जर्मनी, चाकू-हड़ताल, बस के अंदर लोगों को गंभीर रूप से चोट पहुंचाती है।
Niemcy, uderzenie nożem, poważnie ranią ludzi w autobusie.
Almanya, bıçak-grev, bir otobüsün içindeki insanları ciddi şekilde incitiyor.

sábado, 30 de junho de 2018

Seaward advance will dramatically change the situation on the coast in Brazil, USA and Japan

Seaward advance will dramatically change the situation on the coast in Brazil, USA
and Japan

The advance of the sea is a phenomenon registered in the coast of the Brazilian States and the United States of America bathed by the Atlantic ocean. Visions of omens from years ago point out that, in addition to advancing at an above-normal speed in some places, the sea is also receding in significant part of the coast, which will change the littoral map. Premonitory visions show even more significant changes in the coming years (until 2040)
We will all pay a very high price in the near future and will not exceed 2040.
Mario Ronco Filho - journalist

Click on one of the links below to have access in all matters:

quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2018

Public denunciation ( complaint ) and to Japanese authorities !

Public denunciation ( complaint )  and to  Japanese authorities !

  Plagiarism, coup, fraud and violation of rights - with false documents;

Águas de Lindóia,  June  20  of   2018 

Piracy  (  fake  book )  a plagiarism with changes in the content to deceive ( cheat )  the Japanese people
the consumer ( reader ) must report( complaint )  to the Japanese Police   - 
This book has counterfeit ( fake )  letter page for error induction.
And with a person convicted (incriminated) by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice
Do not buy this book because it is false, not authorized by the author, a plagiarism with deliberate modifications and full of lies created by the Fuyusha Black  Shinsho – Kabushiki  Kaisha Fuyusha –Onoda Tetsuo –Trash  . and  journalist  Ito Jun by its co-author ( helper of crime )   who is supporting organized crime in Japan Publisher  and  letter false is being disclosed by  the team of crimes Akgoodco by  a blog  in  livedoor blog .
This is the kind of opportunistic, dirty journalism that uses the fame of others to make a fortune (make a lot of money) at the expense of someone else's misfortune. Without scruple and above all, without authorization of the author, including using photos without authorization.
Crime that is banned by Brazilian Justice - the crime of piracy, fraud and crime against copyright.
Alert this book below does not belong to Jucelino Luz and was not authorized
For more information  click (press) on the link  below:  

domingo, 10 de junho de 2018

Summits of the Week - Guatemala Volcano, Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade; Shakira and Justin Bieber - USA

Summits of the Week - Guatemala Volcano, Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade; Shakira and Justin Bieber - USA

Chef, gastronomic critic and American presenter Anthony Bourdain possibly committed suicide (there are still gaps not explainable), according to omen by Jucelino Luz
His love of great adventures, new friends and exquisite food and drink, and the incredible travels around the world have made him a unique storyteller. His talents have always made us astonished and we are going to miss him a lot. A family sadness, however, suffered from depression

Kate Spade may die in US
The American stylist Kate Spade died, according to omen by Jucelino Luz. She will be found dead in her apartment and the police work on the suicide hypothesis (with many reservations ...)
Kate and her husband Andy launched the famous line of handbags named after the stylist in 1993. The following year, the brand also started producing jewelry, clothing and other accessories. The idea of ​​the two was to make fashion bags, but still practical.

Justin bieber
The Canadian singer, by his own merits, became world famous. Thousands of young people sigh every day for this young man; Justin awakens passions and so his shows are always crowded. Did you know that the artist suffers from insomnia? It seems that at bedtime Justin can not stop thinking about his dreams and worries, so it costs a lot to sleep. He attributed his problems to the great capacity of his brain ... you have to be very careful with your life because you are at risk of becoming depressed and with health problems in the next years - that is from June 11, 2018 to December 19, 2020 - critical period for your life; (with serious risks in this period)

The Colombian singer may be currently going through the best moment of her career, with a stable and happy relationship with soccer player Gerard Piqué, two beautiful children and their songs always being a success. Unfortunately, Shakira suffers from toxoplasmosis. What is known about this condition? It is a virus in the blood that can affect the lungs and brain if your immune system is not strong enough.
It is more celebrities with serious illnesses that should take great care in these next years between June 14, 2018 to December 29, 2020 (with serious risks in that period)

To continue lert all matter click on one of the links below:

quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2018

Prophecies (Predictions ) for June 2018

Prophecies (Predictions  ) for June 2018

(Dreams are not predestination)

1 - Heavy summer in Asia and can cause damage in Indonesia, Japan, China, India, Korea and many people and heavy rains can hit these countries with storms, floods and destruction;
2. - A strong earthquake hits Chile and can cause a lot of damage
3. - Floods in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Moldavia, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, and in other countries; with many injuries and homeless people in some parts of Europe;

4. England will be struck by strong winds, strong tornado,, devastating some places. With floods and tsunamis; And a possible terrorist attack will shake the country;

5. - An earthquake 7. 0 can hit Japan, cause various damages. and still may have a tropical cyclone, with deaths and damages.
 There is a possibility of a major earthquake from 8.0 to 9.0 on June 21, 2018 (if it does not happen on that date - then we can say that it will be in the period between 2018 and 2022 - which will be unavoidable within that date written in letters that have already been sent to the Japanese authorities and some Universities); also not preventing it from being in lesser intensity.

Click on the links below to have access to the letters sent:

quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2018

The union of the truck drivers show the power of the united people against the ups and downs of Brazilian politics

The union of the truck drivers show the power of the united people against the ups and downs of Brazilian politics

The desperate people themselves hinder the strike when they go to the stations in queues to buy petrol and derivatives filling the pockets of the suppliers! - stop and think ?

Make an announcement on our sites, with daily visits from 10,000 to 100,000
send your proposal, pay only a monthly fee
 information with:

The shortage of fuel stations in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo. Minas Gerais, Paraná, is already a reality. According to the Union of Retail Trade of Fuels of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (Sindcomb), the last time the city's pumps were supplied on May 21, 2018, the day the stoppage began. The entity estimates that at least half of the capital's stations will be on May 24, 2018, without any of the three fuels: gasoline, diesel or ethanol.

to read all the material and to know more click on one of the links below:

Greve Geral - A verdade sobre a greve vista por um cidadão brasileiro

Greve Geral - A verdade sobre a greve vista por um cidadão brasileiro

segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2018

Maduro will be re-elected in the Venezuelan elections, under pressure of crime against humanity!

Maduro will be re-elected in the Venezuelan elections, under pressure of crime against humanity!

Águas de Lindóia, May 18, 2018

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro will face a new wave of international condemnation on May 21, 2018 after being re-elected in a vote denounced by his critics as a "fraud" to legitimize his autocratic regime. "The only one who does not know is himself !!?"
With a low popularity and severe oil crisis, Maduro, a former bus driver, easily defeated two little-known rivals due to the absence of the main opposition figures in the dispute, the ban imposed on some parties and the delivery subsidized food and bonuses. That is, crimes and crimes committed against humanity in that country. The president leaves the people starving and takes no action to counter the crisis.
The elections have registered the smallest participation in more than two decades, according to omen by Jucelino Luz, and Maduro will get 1.6 million votes less than in the previous election of 2013.

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