quinta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2017

Michael Jackson - The Real Story (Part 1)

Michael Jackson - The Real Story (Part 1)

Michael Jackson will never die in the minds of people who have never heard of Michael Jackson, but who knows what he's going to do? Admire him, and also his fans, however in real life, he is disembodied, that is, Michael Jackson died. "

1) Will he come back?

Officially, Michael died on June 25, 2009, a victim of cardiorespiratory arrest following acute substance poisoning. And also for a medical error, for being on that date and have done nothing before to save it as it should - that is, it was a death by mistake of continued medication - "continuous use ...."
Although there are online communities dedicated to gathering evidence that death has been forged. They believe that the King of Pop will still make a triumphant return, however, the king of pop is dead. The truth is this and hard to hear when we do not want to accept.
2) The evidence disappeared - according to disclosures:

The first theories appeared with the disappearance of recordings of the cameras of the house of the singer. The system rewrote the tapes every 24 hours. The Los Angeles Police Department copied only four minutes of the material, which showed Michael's arrival, around 0:30. The video of the crucial moments of his death never appeared. It did not appear because the tape evidenced Michael Jackson's murder on the spot, so the tape was partially destroyed by people who were interested in his death. (Michael Jackson - at that time, the pop singer was worth more dead than he alive And full of debts to pay, also suffering from serious health problems)
3) Death delayed

The rescue team already wanted to declare him dead in his own home, but his doctor, Conrad Murray, insisted that he be taken to the hospital, where the death was only officialized at 2:26 pm. People claim that, there, the corpse would have been exchanged with that of the artist, still alive, to defraud the death. However, the body that was taken was indeed of Michael Jackson, unfortunately, already killed by negligence of his doctor, that even, was condemned by the Justice.

Contiunue  reading  clicking on  the link below  :

domingo, 16 de julho de 2017

The true story of flight JJ3054 - TAM

The true story of flight JJ3054 - TAM

Accident with TAM plane at Congonhas airport completes 10 years and predicted by Jucelino Luz

Águas de Lindóia, July 10, 2017


In 2005, Jucelino Luz sends alerts on two accidents, (one in 2006 and one in 2007). Including. Says in an interview in 2006, to the program of Ana Maria Braga, that we would have another accident. In the same year protocols in the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, documents about the next air accident (accompanied by witness) With "AR" two Companies that oversee the airline sector, in the sense of trying to avoid this accident. On December 20, 2006, he sent a letter to the FANTASTIC TV Program Globo Network, where he spoke of this TAM accident and the possible death of the father of Soul music, JAMES BROWN, who influenced many other bands of future generations . With a strong pneumonia and that would be 23/12/2006 and later was answered by the Production of Fantástico on December 29, 2006. And on that date also sends letters to the Company TAM - where it received a call from an employee (Executive Secretary), Confirming if it was Jucelino Luz, who sent that letter. In April 2017 he sent another letter to TAM again, alerting them to the possibility of that tragic accident; Not only content with this, launches the magazine "Revelation" 2nd edition - June / July / August / September that began to be distributed in the second half of May 2007. What few know, however, is that the existence of such alerts Been known to those responsible since the beginning of 2005. In his purpose of saving lives, he was already talking about this accident, however, there is no way of saying that he was not received by them - as a minority always tries to confuse, perhaps, by someone who should have an interest in hiding the " truth " .
The greatest blessing came through the forensic expert, criminal and in documentary Dr. Reginaldo Tirotti, acting impartially, made a detailed analysis in the documents pointing out the truthfulness of the same ones

The JJ3054 crash.

It was about 6:47 pm on July 17, 2007 when TAM's Airbus A 320, which came from Salgado Filho airport in Porto Alegre, tried to land at Congonhas airport in São Paulo. The track was wet and, because of a recent refurbishment, had no grooving (grooves, which facilitate the braking of the plane). According to the investigations, by an error in the positioning of the levers, that determine the acceleration or reduce the power of the engine, the aircraft did not stop. One of the levers was in the idle position, but the other in the throttle position.

Read the letter and to know more click on the link below:

TAM - The true history of flight JJ3054

sábado, 10 de junho de 2017

Raul Gil entrevista Jucelino Luz - quadro elas querem saber

Raul Gil entrevista Jucelino Luz - quadro elas querem saber
Entrevista de Jucelino Luz  no programa Raul Gil  -SBT –

Convidamos a todos internautas  e amigos (as )  para assitirem nesse sábado .

É   nesse sábado  dia  10/06/2017   à partir das 14:15  ( se nada mudar  )  , no quadro   ” Elas qyerem saber  ”   No programa deste sábado,  de junho,  recebe Jucelino Luz  no quadro “Elas Querem Saber”, que responde questões feitas por Val Marchiori, ThammyMiranda, Ciça Camargo e Lola Melnick
jucelino e raul gil (2) (1)
O “Elas Querem Saber” é estrelado por um elenco incrível, com quatro mulheres famosas, inteligentes e sofisticadas. Além de lindas e polêmicas.  No quadro, temos sempre a participação de uma celebridade, que responde a diversas perguntas deste nosso elenco de super mulheres.
“Elas Querem Saber” é  exibido semanalmente dentro do Programa Raul Gil e consiste em entreter e despertar a curiosidade do telespectador.
( fonte SBT – programa Raul Gil )

Neste  sábado  convidamos a todos para assistir  à partir das 14:15   no SBT   uma entrevista com Jucelino Nobrega da Luz    com perguntas oportunas  e inteligentes  de celebridades  desse  quatro  e com apresentação do príncipe da Televisão brasileira  Raul  Gil  (Apresentador , cantor , compositor  ) , com direção de seu filho Raul  Gil Junior .

Lembramos que o apresentador Raul Gil , é considerado o pai  de milhares artistas brasileiros  , que através  de seu  apoio , oportunidade  e apresentação no  programa de televisão , trouxe para o cenário braseiro grandes nomes  cujo  destacam –se  em várias áreas artísticas   e  que tornaram-se celebridades  reconhecidas nacionalmente  e internacionalmente.
Não perca minha participação no programa Raul Gil! Vai ser, dia  10  de junho  de 2017 , no SBT, a partir das 14h15!
Você  poderá assistir via internet  clicando no link abaixo  ( you can also watch  internet  at  2:15  PM  ( Brazil time , just click on the link below  )



Saiba mais clicando aqui: 

sábado, 3 de junho de 2017

World Cup in Russia, it can have an explosion in a Football Stadium, with thousands of victims in 2018

World Cup in Russia, it  can have an explosion in a Football Stadium, with thousands of victims in 2018  - if nothing is done to protect people , tells predictions of Jucelino Luz

A multi-bomb attack on the Russian Stadium, which can  kill more than 30,000 people and leave more than 15,000 injured in the World Cup in Russia in 2018, is likely to be planned for months by a group of radicals. If the attack happens it will be one of the biggest bomb attacks in the world at a football stadium; In a possible match between the selection of England with the selection of the USA. Authorities in this city where this football match may possibly take place have already been alerted. Including, the presidency of the Football Stadium.
"Our  predictions  show that bombs will be placed in various parts of the football stadium, precisely so that at the exact time the bombs are blown together to cause a kind of implosion, it is apparent that many of those movements and actions will be carried out judiciously for four days before Departure in that place, to complete this terrible attack, said Jucelino Luz.
Here is a copy of the letters that have already been sent to Russian authorities to protect innocent fans(people) , journalists, police officers, soccer players ,  and citizens from all over the world.

We hope that the police investigate the actions of this radical group and that their movements and plans are analyzed well before the fourth day before the massacre in 2018.
They may also have a good understanding of the likely components of the pump and from where they may come and / or enter that country.
On the other hand, taking the negative side, Jucelino Luz, also sees a great chance for Brazil, to be the winner of the World Cup in Russia in 2018 (if nothing changes within the existing energies)

Mario Ronco Filho - journalist

Source of this news:

Explosão poderá vitimar milhares em Estádio de Futebol na Copa Mundial na Rússia em 2018
Взрыв может виктимизировать тысячи в футбольном стадионе на чемпионате мира в России в 2018 году
Експлозия може да пострадате, хиляди в футболен стадион на световното първенство в Русия през 2018 г.
Вибух може віктимізована тисячі в футбольному стадіоні на чемпіонаті світу в Росії в 2018 році
Експлозија се вицтимизе хиљаде у фудбалском стадиону на Светском купу у Русији 2018. Године
Експлозија може да убива илјадници луѓе во фудбалскиот стадион на Светското првенство во Русија во 2018 година
Дэлбэрэх 2018 онд ОХУ-д ДАШТ-д хөл бөмбөгийн цэнгэлдэх мянга мянган гэм болно
жарылуу Орусиянын Дүйнөлүк кубокто баскетбол стадиондо ми 2018-жылы эзип мүмкүн
выбух мог виктимизировать тысячы ў футбольным стадыёне на чэмпіянаце свету ў Расіі у 2018 годзе
Eksplozija mogao žrtvovati tisuće u nogometni stadion na Svjetskom kupu u Rusiji 2018. Godine
explosion pourrait victimiser des milliers dans le stade de football à la Coupe du Monde en Russie en 2018
폭발은 2018 러시아 월드컵 축구 경기장에서 수천을 희생
Blast can victimize thousands at World Cup soccer stadium in Russia in 2018
Explosión podría victimar miles en Estadio de Fútbol en la Copa Mundial en Rusia en 2018
การระเบิดอาจเป็นเหยื่อหลายพันคนในสนามฟุตบอลที่ฟุตบอลโลกในรัสเซียในปี 2018
Esplosione potrebbe sacrificare migliaia in stadio di calcio in Coppa del Mondo in Russia nel 2018
Ledakan bisa mengorbankan ribuan di stadion sepak bola di Piala Dunia di Rusia pada tahun 2018
Eksplosjon kan bedra tusenvis i fotballstadion i VM i Russland i 2018
विस्फोट 2018 में रूस में विश्व कप में फुटबॉल स्टेडियम में हजारों यातनाऐं सकता है
Explosion könnte Tausende in Fußballstadion bei der WM in Russland im Jahr 2018 victimize
Patlama 2018 yılında Rusya'da Dünya Kupası'nda futbol stadyumunda binlerce kurban olabilir
έκρηξη θα μπορούσε θύμα χιλιάδες στο γήπεδο ποδοσφαίρου στο Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο στη Ρωσία το 2018
Wybuch mógł represjonować tysiące na stadionie piłkarskim w Pucharze Świata w Rosji w 2018 roku
Ukuqhuma kungaba bahlukumeza izinkulungwane ebholeni inkundla ngesikhathi seNdebe yoMhlaba eRussia 2018
Explosie slachtoffer duizenden in voetbalstadion op de World Cup in Rusland in 2018
Explosion kunde victimize tusentals i fotbollsstadion vid VM i Ryssland 2018
வெடிப்பு 2018 இல் ரஷ்யா உலகக் கோப்பையில் கால்பந்தாட்ட மைதானம் உள்ள ஆயிரக்கணக்கான பாதிக்கவும் முடியும்
Pagsabog ay maaaring bumiktima libo-libo sa football stadium sa World Cup sa Russia sa 2018

terça-feira, 16 de maio de 2017

Colômbia seca severa , chuvas devastadoras e possível queda de avião , diz profecias de Jucelino Luz

Colômbia  seca severa  , chuvas devastadoras  e possível queda de avião  , diz  profecias  de Jucelino Luz

“ Visão futura  - sonhos não são predestinações  “

Chega a ser deprimente o panorama que se pode observar hoje nos hectares destinados ao cultivo de café e à produção pecuária em Huila,  e  de outras regiões  na Colômbia. Ainda que   um balanço oficial do impacto do fenômeno do El Niño na agricultura e na pecuária, que começará a gerar   à  partir de Agosto  de  2017  até  2025   representantes desses setores devem ter muita atenção, que, sem dúvida, as afecções são muito graves, não somente ambientais, mas também econômicas, pois os pequenos produtores serão  os mais afetados.
Chuvas  severas  em várias regiões da Colômbia

Deslizamentos,  temporais , vendavais   ,vão atingir   Mocoa,   e várias regiões no sul da Colômbia, deixando  milhares  de vitimas  entre  6  de Agosto de 2017   a  16  de dezembro de 2017   , podendo ficar pior nos anos seguintes  2018  a  2030 .
As fortes chuvas também vão atingir  a capital do departamento de Putumayo, que fica na fronteira com o Equador e Peru e   ao redor  de  300 kms da Capital  . A tempestade também provocará  o transbordamento dos rios Mulato e Sancoyaco. O estrago será  crescente  e  as autoridades deverão tomar  atitudes para  proteger a população  afetada em um futuro  próximo.
Não é apenas o “  El  Niño “  ,  mas também  :    “ El   Homble  “

Jucelino Luz  escreveu suas mensagens espirituais para autoridades da Colômbia  onde coloca aqui a carta  e  a resposta das autoridades .

Possível queda de um avião  de grande porte 

Haveremos  de ter um  possível acidente aéreo  que poderá acontecer  em  28 de julho de 2020 , um avião que decolará do aeroporto de Medelín –Colômbia , para  o aeroporto de Viru Viru  - na Bolívia  m, podendo vitimar  passageiros e tripulação, portanto nesse dia fatídico , pedimos a  Empresa  que faça manutenção da aeronave  e não decole  avião  naquele horário apenas

O nosso grande papel  é  Social  e  Espiritual, no sentido de proteger as pessoas cujo estarão envolvidas nesses possíveis eventos futuros , afirma Jucelino Luz 

Mario Ronco Filho  - Jornalista 

  Colômbia  seca severa  , chuvas devastadoras  e possível queda de avião  , diz  profecias  de Jucelino Luz

Colombia seca severa, lluvias devastadoras y posible caída de avión, dice profecías de Jucelino Luz

Колумбия сильной засуха, разрушительные дожди и возможная авиакатастрофу, говорит Пророчество Жуселину

Severe Colombian drought, devastating rains and possible plane crash says prophecies of Jucelino Luz

Kolumbien schwere Dürre, Regen und möglichen Flugzeugabsturz verheerend, sagt Prophezeiungen Jucelino Luz



콜롬비아 심각한 가뭄, 파괴 비가 가능한 비행기 사고는 예언을 말한다쥬세리노

Colombie sécheresse, des pluies dévastatrices et accident d'avion possible, dit prophéties Jucelino Luz

कोलम्बिया गंभीर सूखे, विनाशकारी बारिश और संभव विमान दुर्घटना, भविष्यवाणियों का कहना है Jucelino
Colombia grave siccità, devastanti piogge e possibili incidente aereo, dice profezie Jucelino Luz

Colombia alvorlig tørke, ødeleggende regn og mulig flystyrt, sier profetiene Jucelino Luz

Kolumbia dotkliwe susze, deszcze i niszczycielskie możliwości katastrofy samolotu, mówi proroctwa Jucelino Luz

Kolombia kekeringan parah, menghancurkan hujan dan kemungkinan kecelakaan pesawat, kata nubuat Jucelino  Luz

Colombia malubhang tagtuyot, nagwawasak ulan at posibleng plane crash, sabi ni mga propesiya Jucelino Luz 

Colombian Severe drought, devastating rains and possible plane crash says prophecies of Jucelino Luz

Colombian Severe drought, devastating rains and possible plane crash says prophecies of Jucelino Luz

"Future vision - dreams are not predestination"

The panorama that can be observed today on the hectares used for coffee cultivation and livestock production in Huila, and other regions in Colombia, is depressing. Although an official balance of the impact of the El Niño phenomenon on agriculture and livestock, which will begin to generate from August 2017 until 2025 representatives of these sectors should be given a lot of attention, which undoubtedly the conditions are very serious, not Only environmental, but also economic, because small producers will be the most affected.
Severe rainfall in several regions of Colombia

Slips, thunderstorms, gales, will reach Mocoa, and several regions in southern Colombia, leaving thousands of victims between August 6, 2017 and December 16, 2017, and may become worse in the following years 2018 to 2030.
The heavy rains will also reach the capital of the department of Putumayo, which is on the border with Ecuador and Peru and around 300 kms from the Capital. The storm will also cause the Mulato and Sancoyaco rivers to overflow. The damage will increase and authorities will have to take action to protect the affected population in the near future.
It is not only the "El Niño", but also: "El Homble"

Jucelino Luz wrote his spiritual messages to authorities in Colombia where he places the letter and the authorities' response here.

Possible fall of a large plane

We will have a possible air accident that could happen on July 28, 2020, an airplane that will take off from the airport of Medelín - Colombia, to Viru Viru airport - in Bolivia m, being able to victimize passengers and crew, so on that fateful day, We ask the Company to maintain the aircraft and do not take off at that time

Our great role is Social and Spiritual in order to protect the people who will be involved in these possible future events, says Jucelino Luz

Mario Ronco Filho – Journalist

To  know more  and read please , click  on the link below :

  Colômbia  seca severa  , chuvas devastadoras  e possível queda de avião  , diz  profecias  de Jucelino Luz

Colombia seca severa, lluvias devastadoras y posible caída de avión, dice profecías de Jucelino Luz

Колумбия сильной засуха, разрушительные дожди и возможная авиакатастрофу, говорит Пророчество Жуселину

Severe Colombian drought, devastating rains and possible plane crash says prophecies of Jucelino Luz

Kolumbien schwere Dürre, Regen und möglichen Flugzeugabsturz verheerend, sagt Prophezeiungen Jucelino Luz



콜롬비아 심각한 가뭄, 파괴 비가 가능한 비행기 사고는 예언을 말한다쥬세리노

Colombie sécheresse, des pluies dévastatrices et accident d'avion possible, dit prophéties Jucelino Luz

कोलम्बिया गंभीर सूखे, विनाशकारी बारिश और संभव विमान दुर्घटना, भविष्यवाणियों का कहना है Jucelino
Colombia grave siccità, devastanti piogge e possibili incidente aereo, dice profezie Jucelino Luz

Colombia alvorlig tørke, ødeleggende regn og mulig flystyrt, sier profetiene Jucelino Luz

Kolumbia dotkliwe susze, deszcze i niszczycielskie możliwości katastrofy samolotu, mówi proroctwa Jucelino Luz

Kolombia kekeringan parah, menghancurkan hujan dan kemungkinan kecelakaan pesawat, kata nubuat Jucelino  Luz

Colombia malubhang tagtuyot, nagwawasak ulan at posibleng plane crash, sabi ni mga propesiya Jucelino Luz

domingo, 12 de março de 2017

Donate to environmental & human being of an Unfunded team

Jucelino Luz  was born in Maringa –Paraná  -Brazil, in 1960 , writer and environment  protection´s   leader , and he sends letters all over the world freely to try to save human being lives .  His early life was divided between life in the fight against destruction of our planet ,  and the family in Águas de Lindóia –S.P Brazil . In the 1980s,  he sent first letter to Al Gore  to  embrace  environment  causes ,and has told him that in 1993  would  Gore become the 45th Vice President of the United States, a position he held under President Bill Clinton until 2001.( Who Jucelino Luz  said  that  also would be the winner of Presidential Elections )  
Jucelino Luz  freely created  Jucelino for the world  – which he describes as “a bipartisan non-profit organization that is devoted to changing public opinion in Brazil and  all over the world  about the urgency of solving the climate crisis” – and is the driving force behind the earth  , and  Jucelino Luz has been sending letters freely  since 1969  about  his  “ Gift “ of God  to try to save lives
He is the author of , best-selling books  on the threat of and solutions to global warming,, premonitory dreams , and  shows his personal phenomenon  to concern people  that we can change for  positive  future  and the subject of   the respect ,love , protection, and  letters with premonitory dreams which has already become one of the top documentary films in history. One of his   book, “Revelação II   -  Revelation II ”, debuted at the top of the Japan  best seller list when it was released in May of 2007. And many others books of his authorship.
For his efforts in tackling environmental issues, Jucelino Luz has received many prizes .
“Jucelino Luz  has for a long time been one of the world’s leading environmental  causes and  as  the mainly  clairvoyant  who  helped many people with  his freely letters  to protect people all over the world  . He is probably the single individual who has done most to create greater worldwide understanding of the measures that need to be adopted.”  

How this site came about
The site was launched in 2006 by a  team of volunteers  , and is entirely the work of an unfunded team. That knows the difficulties and struggle of  Jucelino Luz  to help people  with his own monetary efforts . Besides his main work ,  he wants to build a place where can receive  foreign people with  free local stay  to visit Brazil .
Jucelino Luz wanted to create a site to publicize the many wonderful things that celebrities are doing to help the world. We hope to help charities by inspiring their celebrity supporters' fans to follow their heroes' example.
Together with features   Michael Jackson  received letters of Jucelino Luz asking him to make a song  to  environment  causes and  continue to manage , and  it was a surprise when he made that beautiful song ,  update and grow the site with help from a number of other volunteers dotted around the globe.
We work hard to promote charities, and are not paid by the celebrities or charities, so our work is supported by subscriptions. If this site is valuable to you, please consider  taking  out a  subscription  and you can  contribute with any quantities of money .
You  can help to buy envelope , register letters at notary office , for improve the logistic , to make it easier people get access of his prophecies and prepare against earthquake ,disasters , attacks , Tsunami,  to avoid airplane accidents  and any type of Natural and Mechanic destructions .
And the social work of Jucelino Luz , to make the poor´s  life  better   …also  help Governors and business men to concern  ,and  make the world useful ,peaceful, inhabitable without  any destruction to survive  in this wonderful world .

The  Jucelino Luz for the world   is a non-profit    organization involved in education and advocacy related to  help people and protection of world  of climate changes .
The  events to prepare Climate Reality Leaders to communicate and conduct effective advocacy events within their local communities.  

join in

to do an activity with people who are already doing it.  Make your free  donation
We’re declaring our love for the most treasured thing in our lives – our planet &  mankind

Why? Because climate change affects the entire world. And if enough of us show we care, we can protect the lives we love from the climate crisis.

That’s why we’ve partnered with Jucelino for the world . The Love. Show The Love is an annual celebration of all that we love but could lose to the climate crisis. It’s part of an ongoing effort to protect the people and places we hold dear by encouraging world leaders to shift to clean and affordable renewable energy.
Green hearts will kick off conversations about the things we love and the future we want for our children – one powered by clean and secure energy.

Get involved today by sending a green heart to your elected official telling them why you care about ending the climate crisis.

To learn other ways to Show The Love for our planet, check out this blog post.

Thank you for all that you do,

 Your friends at Climate Reality & mankind 


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Thank you for all that you do,

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