sábado, 10 de junho de 2017

Raul Gil entrevista Jucelino Luz - quadro elas querem saber

Raul Gil entrevista Jucelino Luz - quadro elas querem saber
Entrevista de Jucelino Luz  no programa Raul Gil  -SBT –

Convidamos a todos internautas  e amigos (as )  para assitirem nesse sábado .

É   nesse sábado  dia  10/06/2017   à partir das 14:15  ( se nada mudar  )  , no quadro   ” Elas qyerem saber  ”   No programa deste sábado,  de junho,  recebe Jucelino Luz  no quadro “Elas Querem Saber”, que responde questões feitas por Val Marchiori, ThammyMiranda, Ciça Camargo e Lola Melnick
jucelino e raul gil (2) (1)
O “Elas Querem Saber” é estrelado por um elenco incrível, com quatro mulheres famosas, inteligentes e sofisticadas. Além de lindas e polêmicas.  No quadro, temos sempre a participação de uma celebridade, que responde a diversas perguntas deste nosso elenco de super mulheres.
“Elas Querem Saber” é  exibido semanalmente dentro do Programa Raul Gil e consiste em entreter e despertar a curiosidade do telespectador.
( fonte SBT – programa Raul Gil )

Neste  sábado  convidamos a todos para assistir  à partir das 14:15   no SBT   uma entrevista com Jucelino Nobrega da Luz    com perguntas oportunas  e inteligentes  de celebridades  desse  quatro  e com apresentação do príncipe da Televisão brasileira  Raul  Gil  (Apresentador , cantor , compositor  ) , com direção de seu filho Raul  Gil Junior .

Lembramos que o apresentador Raul Gil , é considerado o pai  de milhares artistas brasileiros  , que através  de seu  apoio , oportunidade  e apresentação no  programa de televisão , trouxe para o cenário braseiro grandes nomes  cujo  destacam –se  em várias áreas artísticas   e  que tornaram-se celebridades  reconhecidas nacionalmente  e internacionalmente.
Não perca minha participação no programa Raul Gil! Vai ser, dia  10  de junho  de 2017 , no SBT, a partir das 14h15!
Você  poderá assistir via internet  clicando no link abaixo  ( you can also watch  internet  at  2:15  PM  ( Brazil time , just click on the link below  )



Saiba mais clicando aqui: 

sábado, 3 de junho de 2017

World Cup in Russia, it can have an explosion in a Football Stadium, with thousands of victims in 2018

World Cup in Russia, it  can have an explosion in a Football Stadium, with thousands of victims in 2018  - if nothing is done to protect people , tells predictions of Jucelino Luz

A multi-bomb attack on the Russian Stadium, which can  kill more than 30,000 people and leave more than 15,000 injured in the World Cup in Russia in 2018, is likely to be planned for months by a group of radicals. If the attack happens it will be one of the biggest bomb attacks in the world at a football stadium; In a possible match between the selection of England with the selection of the USA. Authorities in this city where this football match may possibly take place have already been alerted. Including, the presidency of the Football Stadium.
"Our  predictions  show that bombs will be placed in various parts of the football stadium, precisely so that at the exact time the bombs are blown together to cause a kind of implosion, it is apparent that many of those movements and actions will be carried out judiciously for four days before Departure in that place, to complete this terrible attack, said Jucelino Luz.
Here is a copy of the letters that have already been sent to Russian authorities to protect innocent fans(people) , journalists, police officers, soccer players ,  and citizens from all over the world.

We hope that the police investigate the actions of this radical group and that their movements and plans are analyzed well before the fourth day before the massacre in 2018.
They may also have a good understanding of the likely components of the pump and from where they may come and / or enter that country.
On the other hand, taking the negative side, Jucelino Luz, also sees a great chance for Brazil, to be the winner of the World Cup in Russia in 2018 (if nothing changes within the existing energies)

Mario Ronco Filho - journalist

Source of this news:

Explosão poderá vitimar milhares em Estádio de Futebol na Copa Mundial na Rússia em 2018
Взрыв может виктимизировать тысячи в футбольном стадионе на чемпионате мира в России в 2018 году
Експлозия може да пострадате, хиляди в футболен стадион на световното първенство в Русия през 2018 г.
Вибух може віктимізована тисячі в футбольному стадіоні на чемпіонаті світу в Росії в 2018 році
Експлозија се вицтимизе хиљаде у фудбалском стадиону на Светском купу у Русији 2018. Године
Експлозија може да убива илјадници луѓе во фудбалскиот стадион на Светското првенство во Русија во 2018 година
Дэлбэрэх 2018 онд ОХУ-д ДАШТ-д хөл бөмбөгийн цэнгэлдэх мянга мянган гэм болно
жарылуу Орусиянын Дүйнөлүк кубокто баскетбол стадиондо ми 2018-жылы эзип мүмкүн
выбух мог виктимизировать тысячы ў футбольным стадыёне на чэмпіянаце свету ў Расіі у 2018 годзе
Eksplozija mogao žrtvovati tisuće u nogometni stadion na Svjetskom kupu u Rusiji 2018. Godine
explosion pourrait victimiser des milliers dans le stade de football à la Coupe du Monde en Russie en 2018
폭발은 2018 러시아 월드컵 축구 경기장에서 수천을 희생
Blast can victimize thousands at World Cup soccer stadium in Russia in 2018
Explosión podría victimar miles en Estadio de Fútbol en la Copa Mundial en Rusia en 2018
การระเบิดอาจเป็นเหยื่อหลายพันคนในสนามฟุตบอลที่ฟุตบอลโลกในรัสเซียในปี 2018
Esplosione potrebbe sacrificare migliaia in stadio di calcio in Coppa del Mondo in Russia nel 2018
Ledakan bisa mengorbankan ribuan di stadion sepak bola di Piala Dunia di Rusia pada tahun 2018
Eksplosjon kan bedra tusenvis i fotballstadion i VM i Russland i 2018
विस्फोट 2018 में रूस में विश्व कप में फुटबॉल स्टेडियम में हजारों यातनाऐं सकता है
Explosion könnte Tausende in Fußballstadion bei der WM in Russland im Jahr 2018 victimize
Patlama 2018 yılında Rusya'da Dünya Kupası'nda futbol stadyumunda binlerce kurban olabilir
έκρηξη θα μπορούσε θύμα χιλιάδες στο γήπεδο ποδοσφαίρου στο Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο στη Ρωσία το 2018
Wybuch mógł represjonować tysiące na stadionie piłkarskim w Pucharze Świata w Rosji w 2018 roku
Ukuqhuma kungaba bahlukumeza izinkulungwane ebholeni inkundla ngesikhathi seNdebe yoMhlaba eRussia 2018
Explosie slachtoffer duizenden in voetbalstadion op de World Cup in Rusland in 2018
Explosion kunde victimize tusentals i fotbollsstadion vid VM i Ryssland 2018
வெடிப்பு 2018 இல் ரஷ்யா உலகக் கோப்பையில் கால்பந்தாட்ட மைதானம் உள்ள ஆயிரக்கணக்கான பாதிக்கவும் முடியும்
Pagsabog ay maaaring bumiktima libo-libo sa football stadium sa World Cup sa Russia sa 2018