1 attack in Iraq kills more than 80 people near Baghdad;
2 Typhoon hits Philippines, Japan and China;
3 In Israel attacks can victimize more than 100 innocent people;
4 . Extreme risk of attack on airlines in Tel Aviv can take down aircraft;
5. Terrorist attack can kill many people in Sweden / Norway / Denmark;
6. In the U.S. gunman opens fire on school and victimizing more than 23 people;
7. very strong tornadoes hit the U.S. in Ohio, Kansas and region elsewhere ;
8 . Floods hit the Philippines, Indonesia and India making many victims;
9. Fire reaches Spain and can victimize several people;
10. , Jô Soares, one of the greatest presenters in Brazil, can be very carefully with health problems this month and on…;
11. Conflict in Ukraine and Russia can victimize more than 120 people in a bomb attack;
12 Strong winds and severe rain brings floods and destruction in Uruguay;
13 . Heavy rains hit Japan causing casualties and flooding in some regions;
14. Mount Fuji gives a signal that is close to a major volcanic eruption;
15 . Strong Earthquake hits Peru, tiring victims everywhere;
16. Terrorist attack in Pakistan kills at least 35 people near the capital;
17 Strong Earthquake hits the Philippines, causing victims;
18. Severe heat reaches Thailand, causing damage and bring severe storms;
19 In India, floods and landslides cause more than 60 deaths and hundreds of homeless;
20 Portugal economic problems has concerned banks and companies that are in red; and manifestations are coming up;
.21. In France, we shall have large protests because problems in the economy and issues related to education and health;
22 China begins the problems of economic crisis, the government will stimulate and warm the domestic and foreign markets;
23. Argentina is having strong rains that brings landslides and floods, which can harm innocent people in several regions ...
24 Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Jamaica and the USA, are preparing to face a strong hurricane;
25. Slaughter in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, results on more than 8 fatal victims and scares people;
26. Big holes will be formed by melting ice in Siberia, Russia, and tend greatly increase with climate changes ; and it can increase in the coming years as huge holes ;
27. strong earthquake hits Japan can victimizing many people in the country;
28. A big storm will hit Taiwan, where can victimize many people and cause flooding and devastation in the country;
29. In England, high winds and severe rain will cause flooding and deaths in the country;
30. Strong quake may hit Italy and do some victims;
31 Attacks in Kenya - Africa can victimize many people in the country;
32. Big offensive of Israel will kill many people, including children, that will generate more violence and attacks against the country (Israel);
33 .. Spreads out the Ebola virus in Nigeria and can spread to other countries in Africa, causing many deaths;
34. New aspect of crisis in Greece and economic problems that can generate demonstrations in the capital;
35. Argentina economic crisis has worsened and new manifestations can arise in the country;
36. Drought in the U.S., can cause new fires and disorder for the American population;
37. Severe drought in China will affect the harvest of wheat and other agricultural products in the country;
38 . Indonesian , a powerful earthquake makes many victims throughout the country;
39 In Vietnam, severe drought may reduce the level of agricultural production in the country;
40 A volcano can erupt in Tonga-Africa;
41. Politics War and exchange of accusations between some parties will heat up the elections in Brazil;
42. rains and storms in the south, may cause flooding and homeless in Brazil;
43. Cristina Kirchner , is facing serious health problem and still have to face the demonstrations on economic problems by the country.
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