Jucelino Luz
predicted a plane crash in Kyrgyzstan in January 2017
A Turkish
cargo plane crashed on January 16, 2017 near Manas airport in Kyrgyzstan,
killing at least 37 people. Most of the victims are residents of a village hit
by the Boeing 747, according to the omens of Jucelino Luz

The fall damaged
43 buildings in Dacha-Suu. Fifteen buildings were completely destroyed,
according to the country's Emergency Ministry. Tents were installed to
accommodate the homeless in the mid-2 ° C temperatures in the region.
The transport
minister said there were five people aboard the plane, identified as a Boeing
747-400 from Turkish Airlines. The airline, however, claims that the aircraft
belonged to another Turkish company, ACT Airlines.
Rescue teams
have recovered the body of a pilot and local residents. "The plane crashed
into their homes and killed entire families," a witness to the accident
told AFP that he did not want to divulge his name. "In the letter written
Jucelino Luz said that there would be nothing left of the houses hit, people
died with their children, many would still be sleeping, he added"
Here we put
some copies of letters sent to the authorities to try to avoid this accident.
Kyrgyzstan is
a country in Central Asia, a former member of the Soviet Union, and borders
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China.
condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the tragic
incident involving an ACT Airlines aircraft in Kyrgyzstan, "said Jucelino
Mário Ronco
Filho – journalist
Jucelino Luz
previu uma queda de avião
no Quirguistão em janeiro de 2017
Jucelino Luz Ocak 2017 yılında Kırgızistan'da bir uçak
kazasında tahmin
Jucelino Luz predicted a plane crash in Kyrgyzstan in
January 2017
Jucelino lumière prédit un accident d'avion au
Kirghizistan en Janvier 2017
Jucelino Luz predijo un accidente de avión en
Kirguistán en enero de 2017
ジュセリーノ は、2017年1月にキルギス飛行機事故を予測しました
Luz prognostiziert einen Flugzeugabsturz in
Kirgistan im Januar 2017
쥬세리노월 2017 년 키르기스스탄에서 비행기 추락 사고를 예측
Жуселину предсказал авиакатастрофы в Кыргызстане в январе 2017
Кыргызстанда кыйроону алдын Май 2017